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Thursday 17 January 2013

TFC F-4 Phantom [Project Uranos] - Pictorial Review

After the success of Project Hercules, TFC offered fans with similarly craved by fans figures, continuing their effort in releasing yet another Transformers G1-Not-Combiners, Uranos (Not-Superion)

First of all, the team that formed Superion was Aerialbots, a 5-jets team consisting Silverbolt (Leader, Concorde SST), Air Raid (Boeing F-15C Eagle), Fireflight (McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II),  Skydive (General Dynamics F-16C Fighting Falcon) and Slingshot (McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II).

Pic Credit : Web

Rebuilded from old shuttles, they act as a counter-measure of Decepticons newly formed combiner team, Stunticon. Stunticons were set out to 'take the ground' dominated by Autobots (as most are land vehicles) resulting in Autobots taking the area once dominated by Decepticons, the sky

Pic Credit : Web

For the first release, TFC had given has F-4 Phantom (Not Fireflight). First, let see him from the last century's prespective

In G1, he can describe as a reckless flyer, pays no attention to the safety of others as he can get easily distracted.

Pic Credit :Web
Toy representation, as it were. And he was small! Really-really small. Now, for TFC's offering

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Tokyo Toy Show 2012 United Black Henkei Convoy

Here's a review of a repaint of Classic Voyager Optimus Prime, United Black Henkei Convoy

In Package - Front View
Packed in a white box, different from normal United releases (even if compared to United WFC Darkside).Comparing the cost, it's just a bit more expensive than normal United Voyagers.

Monday 14 January 2013

Busy week~

Been busy weeks, haven't gotten to spend extra time with my fiancee, hope today can take her for a walk and show her a good time, owe her that much

Did a cover of Canon Rock months ago, played that one time only

Haven't been playing guitar much nowadays, maybe will start when all things cleared out

TFC Hercules [Project Hercules] - Pictorial Review

Finally, started from July 2011, the set finally completed on January 2012. To recap, let us first have a look G1 Devastator and next, the Hercules Team (Not-Constructicon) assembled

TFC Madblender [Project Hercules] - Pictorial Review

Finally, we're on the last member of team Project Hercules before diving into Hercules. These review seems strech out a bit possibly because I've had them for a long time already and kinda 'old-news'.

But, my TFC Project Uranos's Eagle and Phantom should be handed to me any day now, hope will post here as soon as possible

Okay, back to Hercules's Madblender (Not-Mixmaster)

Saturday 12 January 2013

Fansproject WB-003 Warbot Assaulter

Reset my set so spent a few hours taking pictures of Assaulter. Thanks to my brother for this great Engagement Present, you rock! By the way, here's a bit about Assaulter (Not-Broadside)

Pic Credit : web

He's one of three G1 Autobots Triple-Changer with Springer and Sandstorm. He transformed into  a jet fighter (F/A-18 Hornet) and a 1200 ft aircraft carrier (mass shifting, apparently)

Still, that's not the biggest problem. Although impossible, he has a great design which sadly wasn't presented all that well

Problem? It's 1986 for god sake!

TFC Neck Breaker [Project Hercules] - Pictorial Review

It's Saturday and I've to wake up early to go the office supervising some maintenance work....yay me..
So I thought of continuing the reviews since there're 3 reviews left for TFC Project Hercules.

Let's go to the 4th member, Neck Breaker (aka Not-Bonecrusher)

In Package - Front View