First and foremost, I would like to thank
ToyWorld for giving me the chance to do advanced review of their TW-03, a big leap for my review blog. Before we start, as always, an introduction is in order.
Let us forget for awhile, about the 'all-mighty' Bumblebee post-2007 era and go back to a simpler time, Generation 1, 1984 era. Bumblebee is one of the first Autobots lineup introduced when the series aired, being a part of the crew that crashed on Earth 4 millions years ago.
Not being the toughest nor the smartest one, doesn't stop Bumblebee from being in the fight for Earth safety. Being one of the most good 'hearted' bot out there, Bumblebee befriended Spike Witwicky and acted as his closest friends and guardian till Spike's adulthood.
Pic Credit : Web |
Bumblebee survived the reign of Unicron and remained in the Autobots frontliner during Rodimus Prime's time. He however, sustained fatal injuries during the outbreak of the Hate Plague and rebuilt into a new soldier, Goldbug.
Pic Credit : TFWiki |
Over the years, there's been an extensive version of Bumblebee, from the improved-G1 design to the reboot/new design. There's few design that roughly follows (or intended to follow) the original Bumblebee design such as G1 version (pic above), 2006's Classics Bumblebee and recently the new offering by a 3rd Party Company, Artfeather.
Pic Credit : TFWiki |
Pic Credit : ACToys |
However, just as we went into 2014, Toyworld decided to release their version of Bumblebee, TW-03 BII.