On and off, McFarlane slowly releasing characters from the Death Metal arc, this time, specifically Speed Metal. Presenting Dark Flash from the Dark Multiverse.
Featured Reviews
Wednesday, 2 November 2022
McFarlane DC Multiverse Speed Metal Dark Flash (Gold Label) - Pictorial Review
Friday, 12 August 2022
McFarlane DC Multiverse Black Adam (Black Adam Movie) - Pictorial Review
There's no point having Sabbac from Black Adam movie, if you don't have Black Adam himself. While I'm still contemplating the other 4 characters (depending on how the movie goes) Black Adam was a quick 'Yes', back when he was just revealed.
Although initially I was thinking of getting the hooded version but after seeing some issues with it, I opted for unhooded version.
Monday, 8 August 2022
McFarlane Black Adam Movie Megafic Sabbac - Pictorial Review
Now for a figure that wasn't in my list
Sabbac, the supposed antagonist for the upcoming DC Black Adam movie (supposed as I don't know what's the plot of the movie)
Tuesday, 21 June 2022
McFarlane DC Multiverse Endless Winter Aquaman - Pictorial Review
A step forward towards completing my Justice League, as a response to the Dark Knights of the Dark Multiverse. For my Aquaman, I opted for the Endless Winter version, even though knowing McFarlane, a clean-shaven Arthur will come out later down the line.
Monday, 28 June 2021
McFarlane Justice League Snyder Cut Darkseid - Pictorial Review
Finally, the last figure of the Snyder Cut Wave (for me...for now. Martian Manhunter maybe?).
There are 2 versions of Darkseid available, this version which is mass release and Armored version where it was recently revealed to be SDCC exclusive
I was aiming for the Armored version at first but this version is more 'battle-ready'
Sunday, 27 June 2021
McFarlane Justice League Snyder Cut Steppenwolf - Pictorial Review
Now that we're done with the members of Justice League, time to proceed with the main antagonist, Steppenwolf.
He is one of the main reasons I decided to collect the line. Wouldn't give it a second thought if the movie still use the theatrical version.
Saturday, 26 June 2021
McFarlane Justice League Snyder Cut Superman (Black Suit)- Pictorial Review
Now for the last members of Snyder Cut Justice League, Superman Black Suit Version. I opted for this version cause this is how he appeared in the movie (and my wife already asked for the Blue/Red version. Can't stand to have duplicates of the figures)
McFarlane WW84 Wonder Woman - Pictorial Review
Coming back to McFarlane. I bought her for my wife before Synder Cut wave was revealed. She kept her MISB and when the news of Snyder Cut wave came out without a new Wonder Woman, I had to trade the new Blue/Red Snyder Cut Superman for her.
McFarlane Justice League Snyder Cut Batman (Masked Version) - Pictorial Review
Continuing on, next is Snyder Cut Batman Masked version. As of now, other available versions are Unmasked and Chase Platinum (goggles on forehead. Yeah, I know). As far as Batman goes, it's a simple choice.
Friday, 25 June 2021
McFarlane Justice League Snyder Cut The Flash- Pictorial Review
Now, time for the main man of JL Snyder Cut (I like his role better compared to in the theatrical release)
Thursday, 24 June 2021
McFarlane Justice League Snyder Cut Cyborg Unmasked - Pictorial Review
Let's keep the reviews going.
Next, Synder Cut Cyborg Unmasked version. I opted for this version the mask version made minimal appearance in the movie and insignificant meaning to me. As far as I can tell, both versions are identical sans the mask.
Of all the lineup, didn't really paid much attention to him, just a character I needed for my Snyder Cut lineup. Boy, I was wrong.
McFarlane Justice League Snyder Cut Aquaman - Pictorial Review
McFarlane is another slippery slope for me. Started with Dark Knights as I love the design and their twisted backstories. Then I decided to have the counterpart for each of them, you know, balance, as all things should be.
Impulsively expended the line with Death Metal but with the small lineup (so far), it should be okay.
It all changed when the fire nation attacked.. I mean when Snyder Cut version of the movie was released with awesome design of Darkseid and Steppenwolf. With McFarlane later revealed their full lineup of JL Snyder Cut (technically no Wonder Woman under that release, just WW84), decided to collect all.
Monday, 21 June 2021
McFarlane DC Multiverse The Batman Who Laughs (w Sky Tyrant Wings) - Pictorial Review
Last year during the start of the pandemic, I was bored and ventured out of the normal Transformers lineup (and some Diaclone) into other things that was part of my childhood. So February last year, I started my first action figure collection with Marvel Legends, focusing on the characters from the X-Men Animated Series.
I completed almost 90% of the lineup in 3 months and so that's that. Then, McFarlane's take on DC Dark Knights really caught my intention.
After much contemplation (knowing that I won't stop at just one), I started with Batman Who Laugh w/ Sky Tyrant Wing.
Given that mostly I handled Marvel Legends and Black Series figures at that time, this figure feels different in hand.