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Showing posts with label CHURG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CHURG. Show all posts

Thursday 1 August 2013

Generations IDW Orion Pax - Pictorial Review

Now, for the best of the bunch, the last of Generations 3.0 First Wave Deluxe, the most anticipated (I know I did), iconic and obscure character in the G1 continuity.

Before there was a Soldier, there was a civilian, before there was war, there was peace, before there was the greatest leader Autobots had ever had, there was the run-of-the-mill bot, Orion Pax

Orion Pax and Ariel (the former Elita-One)
Pic Credit : Web

Based on the G1 continuity, before the war broke out and devastate Cybertron, bringing the inhabitants to the brink of extinction, Optimus Prime was known as Orion Pax, hard-working dock worker that knew nothing about war, let alone commanding one side of it.

Towards the end of Golden Age of Cybertron, a new generation of Cybertronian surfaced, more powerful  with the new robot-mode flight, lead by the one and only, Megatron. Fate brought them together, Megatron took interest in the dock warehouse where Orion Pax was at and the clash begin...but ended shortly with Orion Pax and Ariel being critically wounded. 

End of Orion Pax
Pic Credit : Web
Brought to Alpha Trion who in return, helped to save them, Orion Pax and Ariel were both used as the first subject to his new reconstruction process, restructuring and reconfiguring them as Optimus Prime and Elita-One respectively. (Elita One's name shares the same root meaning as Optimus Prime's: "Best First")

G1 Orion Pax and Dion
Pic Credit : Web

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Generations Trailcutter - Pictorial Review

Next, let's go back to basic to one of the key characters that was there since the beginning of G1 Series, Trailcutter

Not, it's not a hat
Trailcutter (formerly known as Trailbreaker, changed due to trademark issue) was part of the Autobots crew on board of the Ark that stranded on earth for millions of years. Awakened in 1984, Trailcutter was reformatted with Toyota 4WD Camper Truck as his Alt Mode

Stop watching the TV!
Pic Credit : Web
Trailcutter assumed quite a number of role in the cartoon, from strategist, spy, you name it. However, his most notable role would be saving all the Autobots with his force field from being disintegrated by the sun in "Megatron's Master Plan Part 2"

Generations IDW Megatron - Pictorial Review

Now, let us move forward to the character whose design mesmerize the fan during his debut in the IDW The Transformers (Ongoing Series), Megatron

Pic Credit : Web
In the event of All Hail Megatron Series, the Autobots counter attack after their previous defeat, and manage to stop the Decepticons. Evil as he was, Megatron ordered the Decepticons to flee and let the Autobots get nuked by the human. However, distractions cost him his life and Optimus Prime landed the final blow.

Picked up by Starscream (yes, Starscream) and retreat, Megatron was put on life support and given a new body, a much powerful body.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Generations IDW Bumblebee - Pictorial Review

Generations 3.0 deluxes made their debut months ago and was frequently discussed on the net. Let us continue the Thrilling 30 line!

This character need no introduction (well, maybe just a little), he was the star of the show in the Micheal Bay incarnations of Transformers and the trend spreads to Transformers Animated and Transformers Prime (up to the Finale, WTF?)

Pic Credit : Web

Bumblebee is a character that strive, that pretty much sums it up. He was since the beginning, one of the characters that received more G1 toy treatment than any other characters. But, Hasbro lost their favorite player right about the time Beast Wars and Beast Machines aired. Apparently, BEAST Wars and BEAST Machines era weren't really kind to him, BumbleBEE