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Sunday 21 December 2014

Mastermind Creations R08 Azalea - Pictorial Review

This (and few after it) won't be as detailed as most other reviews since this a variant (although it's what the mold was intended for) of Azalea Stealth Assassin.

Pic Credit : MMC/TFWiki

It's kind of weird considering Azalea Stealth Assassin was released first before normal version of Azalea. I'm guessing Mastermind Creations is really confident with her that even though there's another version been released first, it won't affect the sale of the normal version (and also, Stealth Assassin was released in small numbers only).

Backstory of the character can be found below

Review of other variants can be found below

In Package

Saturday 20 December 2014

Maketoys MTCM-03 Quantron - Pictorial Review

I think it's about time I finished Maketoys Quantron reviews, after taking quite a long time doing one members at a time.

Pic Credit : TFWiki

Computron is the combined form of Autobot's Technobots, created by Grimlock in the G1 episode, Grimlock's New Brain. Recognized as the arch nemesis of Abominus, Computron counter the brute force of the Terrorcons with his lightspeed computational power.

G1 Computron
Pic Credit : TFWiki

Computron has 2 default configurations that are frequently used by the fans. One is following his cartoon/comic edition with Afterburner as the right hand and Strafe as his left while the second configuration is the opposite.

Fun Fact. Since the Decepticons are known as Destrons in the Japanese market with changes such as Combatron and Stuntron, Computron is known as Computicon in keeping with the naming convention used there.
Maketoys Not-Technobots (Recap)

Monday 8 December 2014

Maketoys MTCM-03 [Quantron] Metalstorm - Pictorial Review

Now, let us get back to Quantron. This will be last review before the grand finale, Quantron himself. Metalstorm (Not-Scattershot) is the leader of the Technobots and one of my favorite G1 characters.

Pic Credit : TFWiki

Scattershot is a triple-changer that was created by Grimlock and appointed to lead the Technobots to counter the threat of the Terrocons. During the first part of The Rebirth, Scattershot was the one made out the 100 "blips" heading for them while he was manning the radar screen at the Autobot City. During the Decepticons assault, Scattershot used his rarely-seen 3rd mode, a cannon.

Example of where the rubsign shouldn't be
Pic Credit : TFWiki
For other Quantron's team members, the reviews can be found below :

Tuesday 25 November 2014

TFC Hydrant [Project Prometheus] - Pictorial Review

Another combiner review, coming up! Let's take a break from Maketoys Quantron for awhile and proceed with TFC latest offering, Hydrant (Hotspot) of Prometheus (Protectobot).

Pic Credit :
Hotspot and the Protectobots are closer to the human than any other Autobots, giving their all in protecting them. However, it doesn't mean that they are not natural fighters. Countless time has the Protectobots become the opposing force battling the Decepticons, especially, the Combaticons.

Other TFC Not-Defensor reviews can be found below :

In Package

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Maketoys MTCM-03 [Quantron] Blindfire - Pictorial Review

The last of Quantron's limbs, before we move on to Metalstorm (Not-Scattershot) and finally, Quantron (Not-Computron) himself. Sorry for the delay as there are too much on my plate right now, hopefully will be able to settle all pending reviews in a week or two.

Pic Credit : Web

Strafe was created alongside the other Technobots by the [temporarily] genius Grimlock from components found within Unicron's head. Strafe was the first to show what he can do, given task by Grimlock to disable Unicron's internal defenses.

G1 Strafe
Pic Credit : Web
In Package

Instruction Booklet

It's obvious that Blindfire has the simplest transformation of all the five. However, that's not particularly a bad thing.

Friday 14 November 2014

Maketoys MTCM-03 [Quantron] Celeritas - Pictorial Review

We are now on the 3rd member of Maketoys' Not-Technobots, Celeritas. Just FYI, celeritas is a Latin word, translated as "speed", referring to his G1 character, Lightspeed.

Pic Credit : TFWiki

Created alongside with the rest of the Technobots, Lightspeed was the one who took charge leading Afterburner and Nosecone on a rescue mission to save Strafe and Scattershot using cross-fire strategy against Terrorcon Hun-Grr.

G1 Lightspeed

For other Quantron's team members, the reviews can be found below :

Sunday 9 November 2014

Maketoys MTCM-03 [Quantron] Sonic Drill - Pictorial Review

Next, review of Quantron's Sonic Drill, Maketoys take on G1 Nosecone.

No, I'm articulated!
Pic Credit : Web

For those who didn't know, before there are Technobots, there's only Nosecone. He was the first to be built by Grimlock in an attempt to counter the Terrocons and save the Autobots. With his help, the temporarily-intelligent  Grimlock managed to create the last G1 Autobot Combiner team (at least in G1 US Cartoon).
In Package

Instruction Booklet

Based on the number of the transformation sequence, Sonic Drill seems to be more complicated than Overheat. And he is!

Thursday 6 November 2014

Maketoys MTCM-03 [Quantron] Overheat - Pictorial Review

It's been quite sometime since I last reviewed Maketoys releases and I never had a chance to review their first combiner, Giant. 

Now, moving on to their 2nd combiner (3rd if you count yellow Giant), MTCM-03 Quantron (Not-Computron). We'll start with Overheat, MT version of Afterburner. Brief background of the character and review of Warbotron version of Afterburner can be found here.

The full box picture will be updated later (or included in the review of the last component).

For other Quantron's team members, the reviews can be found below :

In Package

Instruction Booklet

Quantron comes with an instruction booklet and product catalog mostly featuring updates for their Battle Tanker series.

Overheat section

Monday 27 October 2014

Transformers Generation Deluxe Chromia - Pictorial Review

Enough with combiners (for now), it's time an official release of a character whose 'type' doesn't make appearance quite often in Transformers universe especially in CHURG line (original mold). In fact, its 1 out of 2 of its kind to be officially release under the Neo-G1 line, both under the same wave (excluding TFTM All Spark Power Fracture who uses Classics Mirage's mold). Chromia, the Autobot Fembot.

Pic Credit : TFWiki

Pic Credit : TFWiki

Along with the other Fembots, Chromia first appeared in G1's The Search for Alpha Trion. Chromia, along with Moonracer and Firestar who are working under the orders of Elita One, sneak into Shockwave's headquarters to raid the energon cubes stockpile. As the mission went south, they escape and return to Elita One only to be ambushed by the Decepticons and Elita One captured.

The Fembots
Pic Credit : TFWiki

After the Generation 1 timeline, Chromia (at least the name) made few other appearances in both cartoon and comic book, the most recent would be in the IDW Generation 1 continuity. Born from the hot spot (filled with unborn sparks) in Caminus, Chromia is a part of a distant colony of Cybertronians whose citizens had adapted to their new life by developing differentiated genders. Joined by Nautica, Chromia went to Cybertron as bodyguards for the Cityspeaker, Windblade.

Chromia and Windblade
Pic Credit : TFWiki

Friday 24 October 2014

TFC Ares [Project Ares] - Pictorial Review

And finally, another project completed, the inevitable review after TFC Phobus, Ares himself. But first, let's recap

Project Ares : Team Members

Project Ares : Alt Mode

Project Ares : Robot Mode

With Mastermind Creations Feralcons






Quite surprising to see that both versions of Not-Predacons has almost the exact same shades of orange, red and yellow.

Thursday 23 October 2014

TFC Phobus [Project Ares] - Pictorial Review

Finally, roughly 10 months after the release of TFC Nemean, Ares is now complete with the arrival of the last piece, Phobus (Not Divebomb). A little back story of Divebomb and the review of Phobus's MMC counterpart, Talon, can be found here.

So, let us begin.

In Package

Phobus's first surprised is the size of the box he came in. It was first hinted by RobotKingdom that Phobus will have the same shipping cost as TFC Nemean (Not-Razorclaw) and SR-71 Blackbird (Not-Silverbolt) however, having it in hand, was quite shocked with the size and the weight.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Warbotron WB-03A [Not] Afterburner - Pictorial Review

This review is courtesy of 1Toy. Preorder yours today!

First and foremost! I"M SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! Kind on busy lately with work and the baby, tried my best to complete this as soon as I can. Sorry guys.

It's combiner after combiner nowadays! After Toyworld Roar and Unique Toys Troll, I present to you, Warbotron's rendition of Abominus's rival, Afterburner of Technobots!

Pic Credit : TFWiki

Afterburner is a member of the Technobots that was created by Grimlock in the episode Grimlock's New Brain to rival Abominus, that also made his debut in the same episode. Personally, the Technobots has the best origin of all the G1 combiners, watched the episode over and over again when I was a kid. 

G1 Afterburner
Pic Credit : TFWiki
Unlike the toy, Afterburner was portrayed in the cartoon as mostly red, the same as the rest of the Technobots.

Unique Toys Ordin O-01 Troll - Pictorial Review

This review is courtesy of 1Toy.

Not every time a company can surprised the fans. After their debut release Warlord (Not-Predaking), Unique Toys released quite a few figures that showed significant improvement product after product. Most notable personally from me would be Mania King, their own rendition of G1 Galvatron. When people thought they are through with combiners, Unique Toys releases pictures of their version of G1 Abominus, dubbed Ordin and Troll, their Not-Blot.

Blot and the rest of the Terrocons made their debut during G1 Episode Grimlock's New Brain, assaulting the Autobots as they arrive at Unicron's head led by Grimlock to stop Galvatron from harvesting more anti-electrons.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Toyworld TW-D01 Roar - Pictorial Review

This review is courtesy of 1Toy. Preorder yours today!

Year of Dinobots indeed! Fansproject Columpio, despite being a great figure and surely a hit considering how big their fanbase are, is not really my cup of tea. Luckily, Toyworld also ventured into the world of the Dinobots this year with their first release, Roar (Not-Snarl)

Pic Credit : Web

Unlike Grimlock, Sludge and Slag, Snarl was created as the second batch of Dinobots, together with Swoop, by Wheeljack. The Dinobots in general are not really people-friendly bunch of bots but Snarl took it to another level. An unhappy and unsociable loner by nature, Snarl's actions are the ideas of the others, having not much opinions and even less expressing them.

Pic Credit : TFWiki

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Fansproject LER-01 Columpio w/ Drepan - Pictorial Review

Last time it was about combiners but 2014, the attention turns to another nostalgic and group, the Dinobots. Despite the hype of Age Of Extinction version of the Dinobots seems to end a bit prematurely, 3rd Party companies are now on a race. I've discussed about the Masterpiece-scale Dinobots here,now is the time for CHURG-size Dinobots.

The first 3rd Party CHURG-sized Dinobots released was Planet X Caelus, to compliment War For Cybertron/Fall Of Cybertron line. Now, it's time for an offering by Fansproject, the first of their Lost Exo Realm (LER) line, Columpio (Not-Sludge) w/ Drepan

Pic Credit : TFWiki

Sludge, one of the first 3 Dinobots to be created alongside Grimlock and Slag on the G1 episode, S.O.S Dinobots. Despite being a powerful adversary, Sludge level of stupidity is his biggest weakness. Easily manipulated, Megatron managed to turn him against Optimus Prime in the episode War of the Dinobots.

G1 Sludge
Pic Credit : TFWiki

Friday 26 September 2014

Transformers Expo Japan Exclusive Evasion Nemesis Prime - Pictorial Review

This review is about a character that appeared in almost every Transformers toylines post 2000 era, Nemesis Prime. In general, Nemesis Prime is an evil clone with personalities and moral the exact opposite of the Autobots Leader, Optimus Prime.

In almost every toyline since 2003, there's a Red, Black and Teal version of Optimus Prime, dubbed Nemesis Prime. However, the name often mistakenly used to also address Scourge that made his debut in Robot In Disguise (2001) or Black Convoy (merely a black Optimus Prime). The name Nemesis Prime is also referring to the corrupted Dead Universe version of Nova Prime in IDW Continuity.

Nemesis Prime was featured in an episode of Transformers:Prime series as a MECH-built copy of Optimus Prime controlled by Silas. Bringing Nemesis Prime to life includes a complete scan Optimus Prime's body, analysis of Breakdown's body components and the installation of Starscream's T-Cog.

Pic Credit : TFWiki

This exclusive repaint of Evasion Mode Optimus Prime, Evasion Nemesis Prime was made available during Transformers Expo Japan in August 2014 together with Nemesis Grimlock, a Black-Purple-Teal repaint of AoE Voyager Grimlock. Both were sold at around 5000 Yen.

Review of Rusty Version Evasion Mode Optimus Prime (TRU Japan Exclusive) can be found here.

Monday 22 September 2014

Mastermind Creations [Reformatted] Feral Rex - Pictorial Review

Predaking, the beast of all combiners. As opposed to decreasing in intelligence experienced by most of other combiners, Predaking somehow manages to combine all the personalities of the components into one perfect, animalistic hunter.

Pic Credit : Web

So, here it is, the long awaited Mastermind Creations Feral Rex, completed. And it's impressive. First thing first, presenting the Feral Cons!

Feral Cons in Alt Mode

Feral Cons is robot mode

There's a certain degree of satisfaction whenever a combiner team is complete. Staring at the images, the uniformity of the design of all members is awesome.