It seems like forever since I've last done a review as I was busy at the office and also been involved with Malaysia's Transformers 30th Anniversary Expo early February. Thanks to a dear friend who's kind enough to lend me the figure that I'm about to review next. First, a little back story.
Earlier this month, Transformers : Age of Extinction (AOE) Teaser Trailer was released depicting some interesting cast with appearance of Transformers' iconic character, Galvatron.
Screenshot from AOE Teaser Trailer, showing Galvatron
Pic Credit : TFW2005 |
Not a newcomer, Galvatron is a character that almost all TF fans have heard of, be it from Transformers Generation 1, Armada, Energon, Cybertron or any other media (comics, etc). Let us explore Galvatron throught Generation 1 continuity.
Pic Credit : Web |
After the fierce battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron in Transformers : The Movie (1986) that left most children then crying their eyes out (I still cringe everytime I watch the death fight), Optimus Prime died (for the first time, not the last) and Megatron suffered the most fatal blow ever, leaving him half dead and was evacuated from the battle by Soundwave.
Not long after, Megatron was betrayed (not the first time) by Starscream and was left in space to rust alongside with few others. There, the unfortunate few met Unicron which offer Megatron a new, stronger body in exchange for total obedience. Hence, Galvatron was born. Throughout Transformers history, Galvatron made frequent appearance as either an upgrade of Megatron or a separate entity.
G1 Galvatron (the non-accurate-color version)
Pic Credit : Web |
As a CHURGs collector, I was pleased when Hasbro announced the release of Universe Galvatron back in 2008. Yet, the fact that he was only a Deluxe-sized figure was a small issue; compared to the nightmare of the figure design.
Universe Galvatron
Pic Credit : Web |
Since then, there's a lot of news hinting that 'this' or 'that' company will be releasing their own Galvatron but only in 2013, Unique Toys showed their prototype and Maniaking was released in January 2014.