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Tuesday 15 August 2023

Transformers Studio Series SS-103 Voyager Class Rhinox - Pictorial Review

We're getting closer to completing Rise of The Beast lineup under the Studio Series. Up next is the 3rd Maximal, Rhinox.

Review courtesy of Hasbro MY and Hasbro SG.

In Package

Numbered 103, Rhinox comes in a box similar to the rest of the SS. The artwork shown give a detailed look of his alt mode, which we don't really see clearly in the movie

Saturday 15 July 2023

Transformers Legacy Evolution Titan Class Decepticon Nemesis - Pictorial Review

Sorry for the lack of review recently, June and July had been a crazy month, both at work and personal life.

But I think I don't want to miss the chance of reviewing her.

Yes, her.

The 2nd G1, yet not G1 per say, Titan. The most powerful warship the Decepticons had ever built. The Nemesis

Alt Mode

Sunday 28 May 2023

Transformers Rise of The Beasts Optimus Primal 2-In-1 Converting Mask

 Moving on to our 2nd Converting Mask release, Optimus Primal

In Package

Optimus Primal follows the same packaging theme as Bumblebee, based on Rise of The Beast line. I can't be sure the picture of Optimus Primal is based on his appearance in the movie or just not, we'll find out soon.

12 steps transformation

Transformers Rise of The Beasts Bumblebee 2-In-1 Converting Mask

 Now let's move away from the Studio Series and visit a line released specifically for kids, the Rise of The Beast 2-In-1 Converting Mask. So far there are 2 releases, Bumblebee and Optimus Primal

First, let's see Bumblebee

In Package

The mask's packaging follows the ROTB Mainline theme, without a plastic cover on the front.  

Both modes are shown at the back

Thursday 18 May 2023

Transformers Studio Series SS-101 Leader Class Scourge - Pictorial Review

 Saving the best for last. The SS ROTB releases that caught the attention of the fans when first revealed.

SS-101, the first of the 2nd hundred lineup, starting up strong. Terrocon Scourge, the leader of the Terrocon. The big baddy

In Package

Unlike the deluxe and voyager, SS leader comes with windowless box. Others might prefer otherwise but with that artwork, hard to care.

Transformers Studio Series SS-98 Voyager Cheetor - Pictorial Review

Moving on to the 2nd Beast release of SS ROTB, Cheetor. Just revisiting Beast Wars, personally for me Cheetor was the Bumblebee of the series. Had always loved his character's growth and arcs.

In Package

From the artwork, it's obvious SS Cheetor is different than ROTB mainline Cheetor (in a good way).

Transformers Studio Series SS-97 Deluxe Airazor - Pictorial Review

Withith Transformers: Rise of the Beast upon us, let us review the toys for the characters of the movie, under the Studio Series line, brought to you courtesy of Hasbro SG and Hasbro MY

First up, SS-97 Airazor, voiced by beloved Malaysia legend, Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh

In package

A bit of background. Rise of the Beasts comes under 2 different toylines which are the Rise of The Beasts (mainline) and the Studio Series.

For those who were wondering why they released 2 lines simultaneously, it's due to the delay the movie had. Supposedly the mainline would come out before the movie and Studio Series version would come out maybe a year after. Hence that's why some of the mainline releases have different design than in the movie