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Wednesday 16 June 2021

MFT MS25 FlyWheel (Not-Tracks) - Pictorial Review

MFT is a new line that I collect, after my hiatus in 2015. At first they focused on making KO of Iron Factory releases, among others, then releases their own mold under Mechanic Studios (MS).

The reason for collecting them was the G1 accuracy for most of the releases and it's space-saving, not to mention pairing them with Hasbro's Titan looks better

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Transformers Kingdom Deluxe Class Scorponok - Pictorial Review

 I didn't start collecting Kingdom Beast Wars when they were first released but my wife decided that some of them are nicely made and wanted them.

So, all or nothing

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The resemblance to the character model is uncanny. BW Scorponok is a character that didn't received love from Hasbro in previous Generations and Masterpiece lines so it's great to finally have an update of him.

The different tones of purple used blend in nicely with highlights of the red at the tip of its stinger and legs. Quality wise, everything pegs in securely however, the scorpion legs are loose a their ball joints which is actually a bummer, given how strong and tight Blackarachnia spider legs.

On the issue of hollow parts on the tails, half of it just Hasbro being Hasbro while the other half is due to the transformation where one on the robot legs peg into the tail

Transformers Kingdom Leader Class Galvatron - Pictorial Review

I haven't been updating the blog for 6 years now but I thought I might try easing into it slowly. For starter, let us see Transformers Kingdom recent release, the character that never been properly release under official line, Galvatron

This is the 3 mold iterations of a G1-Inspired Galvatron toy under Hasbro (after Universe 2.0 and Titan Returns, excluding Galvatronus from Combiner Wars).

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