The first of many, the Aerialbots, consist of Silverbolt, Skydive, Slingshot, Air Raid and Fireflight, formed the first Autobots combiners (in the G1 US Continuity), Superion.
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Despite being one of the most popular Autobots combiner ever, Superion is far from perfect, really far. In theory, the combining process of gestalts often results in insanity and instability due to the meshing of disparate personalities into one mismatched whole.
Overcoming this issue, Superion chose not to meld it together, instead shutting all out, the conflicting personalities of the Aerialbots. Deprieved from all that, Superion was left with sole purpose of destroying the Decepticons, with Menasor at the top of his list, other than protecting the earth and human.
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Superion's design was depicted in the cartoon having a mouth plate however it wasn't the case for his G1 toy nor most of the media, comic etc
IDW's The Transformers:Robot In Disguise #9 Night and the City
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Before we move on, below are the links for the previous Project Uranos's review
TFC Phantom
TFC Eagle
TFC Blackbird
TFC Harrier
TFC Falcon