Sorry for being late doing this review, these 3 months had been extremely busy with work. Not only that I'm currently in the middle of moving to a new house.
For the Combiner Wars releases, I'll be doing 2 parts of review for each team, the first as individuals and the second will be on the combined mode. Basically, this review will only focus on the team members of Decepticon's Stunticons.
Pic Credit : TFWiki |
The Stunticons were Megatron way of breaking Autobots' dominion over the road/land, created from various stolen human vehicles and customized. The Stunticons were given life by Vector Sigma with Megatron special request, 'to fill them with hatred for the Autobots and everything they stand for'. But before they were granted life, Megatron brought them for a 'test drive' via remote control, forcing them to do all kind of 'stunts' from summersault, flip to bashing through forests. They are the arch enemy of the Aerialbots.
G1 Stunticons
Pic Credit : TFWiki |
In this review, I'll do them part by part, starting with in-package image of all the members, then alt mode and finally robot mode. The combiner mode and the combiner itself, will be done in the next review.