It's a cruel time for Transformers collectors, it really is.
Generations 3.0 has given us a promising debut with the releases of
awesome characters especially Titan Class Metroplex. However, one thing
that still lacking, the Combiners, where up until now, there's still no
news of HasTak taking the wheel on this and delivering fair combiners to
the fans. And so, we turn to 3rd Party companies. After the succesfull
release of many ie Fansproject Crossfires, Maketoys Giant, TFC Hercules
and Uranos, more combiners are shoved to us ie Maketoys Not-Computron,
MMC Feral Rex (Not-Predaking), another from TFC yet to be named
and of course, Fansproject Not-Menasor as apart of the Causality line.
note that there's 2 scale of combiners, one being the TFC's scale where
we have Uranos, Hercules and MMC's Feral Rex. The other one being
Fansproject Crossfires (Not-Bruticus and Not-Superion), Maketoys Giant
and Not-Computron, etc. I choose the larger ones being that for
combiners, I opt to the biggest scale available.
Reference, not accurately scaled
Pic Credit : Web |
*Wishing for more combiners in TFC's scale*