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Sorry for the slight delay.
And we have a winner!
W will contact the winner for the tickets. Congratulation!
It's still not to late for others to register. Just click here.
Let's continue with this Galaxy Force/Cybertron craze, next with Legacy United Deluxe Hot Shot, courtesy of Hasbro Malaysia and Hasbro Singapore.
Let me be frank. I didn't even bat an eye when he was first revealed. And now I am fairly surprised. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
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Get ready to lace up your running shoes and transform your workout into an unforgettable adventure! We're thrilled to announce the Transformer's Night Run 2024, a unique running event that combines the thrill of running with the excitement of celebrating four decades of Transformers. Whether you're a seasoned runner or a Transformers enthusiast, this event promises to be a spectacular experience for everyone.
Continuing on, next we have Legacy United Voyager Class Vector Prime. For those who don't know, Vector Prime is a character from Cybertron/Galaxy Force series and currently getting the Legacy-Update treatment.
Thanks to Hasbro Malaysia and Hasbro Singapore
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