
Friday, 14 November 2014

Maketoys MTCM-03 [Quantron] Celeritas - Pictorial Review

We are now on the 3rd member of Maketoys' Not-Technobots, Celeritas. Just FYI, celeritas is a Latin word, translated as "speed", referring to his G1 character, Lightspeed.

Pic Credit : TFWiki

Created alongside with the rest of the Technobots, Lightspeed was the one who took charge leading Afterburner and Nosecone on a rescue mission to save Strafe and Scattershot using cross-fire strategy against Terrorcon Hun-Grr.

G1 Lightspeed

For other Quantron's team members, the reviews can be found below :

In Package

Instruction Booklet

Despite looking quite easy, Celeritas transformations is quite confusing especially on tthe hand mode, from robot to alt mode.

Celeritas comes with 2 translucent orange guns [instead of black] that almost look like the G1 version's.

Alt Mode

Celeritas transform into a Cybertronic car based on G1 Lightspeed alt mode. Transformation from robot mode to alt mode is quite tedious and a bit confusing especially the hands and the instruction is not helping much.

Side View

The alt mode is really slick and streamlined which really fits the aesthetic of the character. The alt mode feels a bit light and not quite as solid as Overheat and Sonic Drill.

Celeritas doesn't come with a lot of detailing with just a few on top of the alt mode and some on the side mostly in grey.

The guns can be attached on top of the alt mode but unlike G1 Lightspeed, Celeritas guns are attached at the center rather than near the end.

Celeritas, the same as most newer Generations figure, scaled well with Voyager Classics Optimus Prime.

Robot Mode

My first disappointment. Personally, Celeritas's robot mode is quite uninspired where the design is too plain and below average compared to other MT releases. Not only that, it seems that Maketoys made Celeritas's transformation and design 'over-complex' without any reason.

The head sculpt is still quite good though and the paint apps is well done.

Side View

Back View

Celeritas doesn't look good from the back either, the back of the body too hollow and revealing the inside parts.

Before I forget, part of the front tires can be detached and attached to the guns. Personally, I don't see the point of the gimmick (aside from in combiner mode which I think is also pointless).

Articulation wise, Celeritas doesn't disappoint! However, his joints are a bit loose especially on the hips. The head is on a ball joint, the shoulders are on ball joints and hinges, elbows and wrist on ball joints.

The waist is on swivel joints, the hips are on ball joints, the knees are on ratchet joints and the feet are on ball joints.

Size comparison

Even compared to Overheat and Sonic Drill, Celeritas is too small. Celeritas is on half the height of Voyager Optimus Prime, making him closer to Scout Class rather than Deluxe Class.

Yup...not a great group shot

Despite my issue with Celeritas's height and design, he's not really a bad figure if you can get behind my complaints about him.

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