
Thursday, 27 June 2024

Transformers Studio Series: Transformers One: Deluxe Class SS112 Optimus Prime - Pictorial Review

Next, something fresh from the farm, courtesy of Hasbro Malaysia and Hasbro Singapore

For those who doesn't know, a new animated Transformers movie will be released in September 2024, simply titled Transformers One

We'll leave the debate on the design elsewhere although I welcome the different concept used. Watch, then judge.

Apparently this is "Orion Pax" mode, pre-matrix. If I'm not mistaken, Optimus Prime full design still not shown in trailer.

In Package

Numbered as 112, this is the first SS from TF One that's been revealed. Will we have more? Let's hope yes

If we're to assume that artwork on the box is from the movie (as per other artwork on SS boxes), this is a cool looking Optimus, slightly different than what's been released these past few years.

The 25-step transformations is somewhat higher than normal SS Deluxe, towards Voyager. 

The figure comes with an Energon Axe and Matrix of Leadership (aside from the 2 smokestacks and a dual-barrel blaster, already attached)

Just like all Studio Series release, he comes with a backdrop, this time depicting Metropolis of Iacon

Before we go further, let's check out the alt mode first

Alt Mode

Based on the movie, Optimus Prime transform into a Cybertronian truck, that kinda reminded me of Transformers Animated Huffer and Pipes.

The alt mode while looking different, does have the Optimus Prime's signature design

From the side, the cab looks a bit small as opposed to how long the alt mode is. My main complain would easily be the exposed fist left and right fist. The smokestack doubles as cannon in alt mode and the dual-barrel blaster is attached at the front.

The Energon Axe can be attached at the back so there's no accessories put aside. The alt mode holds well together and roll nicely.

How can we make it better? Easy. Hide the hands. Other than that, it's a good alt mode

Expected size difference when comparing with Voyager WFC Optimus Prime. The shades of red used between these 2 is slightly different and TF One Optimus does not use the grey color plastic. They instead opted for...I want to say..ivory?

Robot Mode

Transformation wise, while it follows the basic blueprint of most Optimus Prime, there are slight differences, namely the shoulders.

Headsculpt is nicely done, something I was worried about considering how they designed the Orion Pax's head.

The back is clean, no underarm kibble etc. The Energon Axe can be attached on the wind deflector while the blaster can be attached underneath it. 

Another complain is the dual-barrel blaster attachment to the wind deflector is very weak can pop off most the time when fiddling with the figure.

As mentioned above, the color shades used is quite different to some other OP releases. 

To my surprise, the joints quality on the figure is really-really good. No loose issue whatsoever, in fact better than some Voyager figures.

Articulation and range of motion is also good. That, together with the joint quality, making it very easy to pose him.

Standard Energon Axe attachment on the fist

Rather than opening from the middle outward, the Matrix compartment opens upward.

One improvement they did was redesigning the matrix to have tabs on the side. So instead of making the fist able to open but still can't hold the matrix properly, the put a groove on the fist for the tab

Securely "holding" the Matrix of Leadership

I always welcome new series being release, especially under SS. Despite being a bit skeptical when the design was first shown and knowing it's just Deluxe Class, kinda happy with how this figure is.

While the size is smaller than most Optimus's classes, the figure is very well-build. The articulation and joints are good. Overall fun to play with.

Hopefully the rest of the cast will come out too.