
Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Transformers G1 Cast (Season 2)

As long as I'm at it, better do another one, for characters debuted during Transformers G1 Season 2

Season 2


- Omega Supreme (Planet X's Genesis)
- Beachcomber --> Still finding the best version
- Blaster --> FOC version doesn't really suits me
- Cosmos --> Still finding the best version
- Grapple (Generations/United)
- Hoist (Generations 3.0)
- Inferno (Classics/Henkei)
- Perceptor (Generations/United)
- Powerglide (Classics/Henkei)
- Red Alert (Generations/Henkei)
- Seaspray (HFTD)
- Skids
- Smokescreen (Classics/Henkei)
- Tracks (Reveal The Shield/United)
- Warpath (Generations/United)
- Air Raids (Aerialbots) (TFC Project Uranos)
- Fire Flight (Aerialbots) (TFC Project Uranos)
- Silverbolts (Aerialbots) (TFC Project Uranos)
- Skydive (Aerialbots) (TFC Project Uranos)
- Slingshots (Aerialbots) (TFC Project Uranos)
- Blades (Protectobots)
- First Aid (Protectobots)
- Grooves (Protectobots)
- Hotspot (Protectobots)
- Streetwise (Protectobots)

- Buzzsaw --> Still finding the best version
- Astrotrain (Classics/Henkei)

- Blitwing (Generations 3.0)
- Dirge (Generations/Henkei)
- Ramjet (Classics/Henkei)
- Thrust (Generations/Henkei)
- Breakdown (Stunticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC
- Deadend (Stunticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC
- Dragstrip (Stunticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC
- Wildrider (Stunticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC
- Motormaster (Stunticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC
- Swindle (Combaticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC
- Brawl (Combaticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC
- Vortex (Combaticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC
- Blast Off (Combaticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC
- Onslaught (Combaticons) --> Skipped the Fansproject version, small size compared to TFC and MMC


  1. buzzsaw? just get the MP version bro. settle!

    as for Skids, think the alternator/binaltech version do just fine.

    beachcomber & cosmos = igear?

    1. takmo cross line, so wait till hasbro kuar skids classics. beachcomber ngan cosmos, iGear mahal giler. plus, aku suka big minibot, cam powerglide, etc

  2. hehe..hurm..musti kuar ny nti jugak..g1 full of potential..

    1. btul2, ni tgh wait-and-see, haha. too many things coming
