
Thursday, 18 May 2023

Transformers Studio Series SS-97 Deluxe Airazor - Pictorial Review

Withith Transformers: Rise of the Beast upon us, let us review the toys for the characters of the movie, under the Studio Series line, brought to you courtesy of Hasbro SG and Hasbro MY

First up, SS-97 Airazor, voiced by beloved Malaysia legend, Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh

In package

A bit of background. Rise of the Beasts comes under 2 different toylines which are the Rise of The Beasts (mainline) and the Studio Series.

For those who were wondering why they released 2 lines simultaneously, it's due to the delay the movie had. Supposedly the mainline would come out before the movie and Studio Series version would come out maybe a year after. Hence that's why some of the mainline releases have different design than in the movie 

Continuing the style of Studio Series, Airazor comes with a backdrop, depicting the scene called 'Peruvian Jungle Discovery'

Alt Mode

ROTB Airazor transform into a mechanical peregrine falcon in a light tone of brown overall with some green and other highlights.

In falcon mode, she's full of details. There are a lot of visible textures especially on her wings and the body.

The overall alt mode is good. Everything pegs together nicely and the joints are tight. They used a lot of pins to secure parts together rather than just friction 

For those who don't know. SS ROTB Airazor share the engineering of Kingdom BW Airazor. The main differences are the toy size (deluxe VS almost-voyager), the aesthetic (biology VS mechanical) but more importantly, SS ROTB version comes with enforced/fixed joints which is a big plus.

Another difference is the that the photon blaster's can't be attached to the side of the hips anymore in alt mode for SS ROTB.

Robot Mode

Next, the robot mode. Transforming her is quite simple much like the Kingdom version.

*The feet should be rotated around

The back is considered kibble-free aside from the wings that should be there and looking like that. It's a little bit back-heavy in which the Kingdom mold did have problem with it. But SS Airazor's joints can withstand the weight.

Articulation wise, she's great. However she's missing thigh swivel and dependent on the limited swivel at the hip joints.

I can't say much about the accuracy until the movie comes out. But I would've guessed that's how the the overall design is

You can see the significant differences between these 2. But I noticed that the size difference might be due to the length of SS Airazor's legs.

There are total of 4 Maximals in this movie (as far as I know) and I can't wait to get my hands on SS Rhinox and Primal (if the picture I received is true, it's beautiful)

For Malaysia/Singapore friends, check her out at MyToy and 1Toy

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