
Sunday, 25 December 2022

Transformers Legacy Evolution Comic Universe Voyager Tarn - Pictorial Review

It seems like Hasbro is not letting the TF Fans rest, despite there's only few days left till new year. When you thought that Haslab Victory Saber was supposed to be last, BOOM came Legacy Evolution, Wave 1.

For this wave, the most sought after are 2 release, Deluxe Breakdown (for obvious reason) and Voyager Tarn, which we'll be looking at now

Alt Mode

Tarn, named after one of the fallen cities, is the leader of the Decepticon Justice Division, appearing in the 2005 IDW continuity.

Just like the source material, Voyager Tarn transform into a cybertronian tank. It's safe to say that the base of the design is considerably accurate to the comic.

The alt mode is less bulky compared to MMC Kultur (not-Tarn), spotting roughly the same shade of purple. The slimmer tread and body is closer to the IDW depiction (but less intimidating) as far as I can remember.

The overall finishing is good and rich of colors, The alt mode is solid and pegs together without any issue, and the big turrets can be swivel full circle 

The least favorite design is the fact that the fists are clearly visible from the side and rear views. This took me by surprised as I doubt a lot of extra affords needed to properly conceal them. 

Robot Mode

Transformation to robot mode is not complex with most of it is for his upper body. 1 full round is all that's needed for you to memorize it.

A decent representation of Tarn, I must say. Despite having display space issue right now, I'm patiently waiting for the rest of the DJDs if this is how the adaptation will be.

One thing I notice immediately is that Tarn has a slimmer shoulder (the tank tread) as opposed to MMC Kultur or Flame Toys non-transforming Tarn.

Saying that's slim is actually an understatement.

To me he's one of those expanding toy where they have considerably small alt mode but a considerably tall robot mode.

Tarn is some of those cleaner figure in the recent releases. There's no kibble at all and more importantly, no visible hollowness.

The overall sculpt, top to bottom, is very well made and detailed.

The head sculpt really capture Tarn's original design. The head comes with light piping where the light enters from above the head. But my shots failed to capture it, sorry

Another bummer is the fact that his mask can't be remove so, sorry, no Damus face

As you can see, the main changes they made is the elongated thighs which gives him the skinny-tall appearance.

But yeah, he's b***ss regardless.

Articulation wise, he is superb. The head is on a ball joint and the shoulders are on a universal joints. The elbows are single-jointed, the wrists are on swivels and the knuckles are on hinges (unexpected for a voyager release)

He has waist swivels, universal hips joint, double-knees (from transformation), both ankle rockers and ankle tilts.

Overall joints are tight so you shouldn't have any problem posing him.

His arm cannons/turrets can be attached on his back which I think looks equally good.

The arm cannons are made out of red translucent plastics with most parts painted 

The cannons can be attached together to form a fusion cannon.

Size wise, he is almost a head shorter compared to Kingdom Galvatron, which is roughly how tall a voyager figure is nowadays.

I'm honestly not a patient collector but I really like a perfectly form sub-teams. The prospect of having full lineup of official DJD is quite intriguing but I don't usually have the patient of waiting unconfirmed releases.

BUT. The figure on its own is really well-made and satisfying. The designs and detailing are on-point, the quality is good and the playability is top-notch.

Those alone are reasons enough to give me the strength to wait


  1. Its your own blog. You can write bad ass
    And if you dont want to swear then choose something else, self censoring when you are the creator/writer/editor is bizarre
