
Wednesday, 2 November 2022

McFarlane DC Multiverse Speed Metal Dark Flash (Gold Label) - Pictorial Review

On and off, McFarlane slowly releasing characters from the Death Metal arc, this time, specifically Speed Metal. Presenting Dark Flash from the Dark Multiverse.

The figure is released as a Gold Label to which I'm still not really sure the distinction).

When it was first revealed, I'm thrilled to find out that there are 3 head variants for Dark Flash. It's fun hunting the variants (if you've made peace with McFarlane not including the alternate heads).

However so far, I still haven't seen the other variants anywhere in the market

A beautiful, gorgeous figure, I must say. The aesthetics of the Death Metal figures really is something that vibes with me.

The figure is overall matte black with gold highlights on the thighs, hips, wrists, chest and side of the head while the skin is grey.

The head sculpt is alive!! The paint app on the face is nicely done and clean. The wrinkly rotten hand skin is a nice touch, a good effort by McFarlane instead of just smooth surface. Between the open skin and the suit's sleeve, there's a molded groove separating the two.

Articulation wise, he's average for a McFarlane release. The new crotch used (soft rubber) improve the hips movement (not a lot but enough). What's interesting the open jaw is made out of soft rubber so if you tilted the head downward enough, you can get him to close his jaw slightly.

Aside from the base, he also comes with running effect parts as above. The color is almost-solid yellow instead of translucent.

Size wise, he's the same as 2-pack Flash but it seems the body is a bit more slim and streamlined. Quality wise, the joints are all tight and the paint apps are overall clean.

Will 1 be enough? So far there's no sighting of the other variants. No in HK, not in the US. Should I settle with 1 if the variants doesn't exist? Or should I start army building right regardless? Decisions...

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