
Thursday 5 December 2013

Hong Leong Transformers Debit Card Roadshow In Collaboration with TransMY

It's been a long time since I've been joining any Transformers Exhibition (with TransMY). Back in 2011 when Transformers : Dark Of The Moon was released, we were really active, invited by various event organisers to help them exhibit our Transformers collections inconjunction with their event

DOTM Launching
DOTM Launching

Transmy Roadcrew during the eve of the event

Malaysia International Toy Fair 2011

Queensbay Mall Transformers Exhibition 2011

2011 was a year full of fun for us the roadcrew, went to places and met a lot of people. Am really grateful to be able to be apart of the gang, these collectors-by-heart. FYI, TransMY is a non-profit group so more or less, all the events that we went for were on voluntary basis

This year, we were invited to join in Hong Leong Transformers Debit Card Roadshow, from December 4th - December 8th 2013, at 1Utama Kuala Lumpur. Exhibition wise, it's not much but it's fun to join an event again.

Some pictures

Some of TransMY crew

First day Setup Crew

The Exhibition

For the first 3 days, the exhibition will consist of Transformers G1, Transformers Prime, Transformers Movie Trilogy and also CHURGs.

*Note : Since it's working day, we try to keep the exhibition to a minimal first, waiting for the weekend

Some of the activities

My wife doing the Targetmaster challenge

the 'how fast you can transform'

He's really really really participating in everything

And the customizing contest

The weird one....

Man of the hour, thanks dude!

Thanks to Fallen Kia of
With every registration, people will get a Hong Leong Bank Transformers Debit Card and also chance to participate in 5 games to able yourself to win Transformers Merchandices

The Roadshow will continue till 8th of December 2013. You can visit us at

TransMY Facebook



All are invited!

* pic credit : various source of TransMY Crew, not exclusively mine

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